Student Responsibilities

  1. Apply online to Langara College or in-person at Registrar and Enrolment Services
  2. Submit an Accessibility Services Application Form 
  3. Book an intake appointment (preferably at least three (3) months in advance of the semester start)
  4. Provide appropriate medical documentation
  5. Schedule diagnostic tests (LET, MDT) with Accessibility Services, if applicable and approved for exam accommodations (Please check the college website for the LET and MDT schedules)
  6. Register for courses
  7. Submit a Semester Request each semester.

To request approved accommodations, students must:

  • Submit a Semester Request through the Accommodate Student Portal by the second Friday of the semester. For the Spring 2025 semester the deadline is Friday, January 17th at 4:00pm
  • Sign receipt of Accommodation Letters and understanding of the Student Responsibility Form
  • Provide Accommodation Letters to instructors immediately and discuss your accommodation needs

Exam Invigilation for Spring 2025

For approved and applicable exam accommodations, on-campus invigilation will be available for applicable on-campus exams. On-campus exam invigilation will be available for online courses on a case-by-case basis. 

We are unable to accept exam requests with less than 7 days notice. If your exam is in less than 7 days, please speak to your instructor and see if they are able to accommodate you directly or approve you to write at a later date in Accessibility Services. 

To receive your approved exam accommodations:

  1. Please submit each exam request in the accommodate portal:

Instructions are provided on the home page and in the resource guide. By using our online system:

  • You will be able to select between Reserve a seat in Accessibility Services and Writing at an alternate location.
  • Instructors will receive an email notification of your exam request.
  • You will receive an email notification that your request has been submitted.
  • Accessibility Services will receive your booking request. This will allow us to:
    • Reserve a seat for your exam, if requested, and facilitate applicable on-campus exams
    • Record the request and be better able to assist you and/or the instructor with any issues that may arise with implementing exam accommodations

2. Contact your instructor directly to arrange exam accommodations for exams written at an alternate location.


Midterm Exams and Quizzes:

Submit your request at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled exam or quiz. Late requests may not be available.

Final Exams:

Submit your request as soon as possible once the Final Exam schedule is released and NO LATER than fourteen (14) days prior to the first day of the Final Exam period – please be aware that this will likely be more than two weeks prior to your scheduled exam. The Final Exam booking request deadline for Spring 2025 is at 4:00pm on Friday, March 21st. Late requests may not be available.

Check out the Student Responsibility Form in your portal's Resource Library for more information!

Please contact an Accommodation Assistant if you need assistance.

The College places a high value on academic honesty. It is expected and required in all settings, and in all assignments and assessments that students complete. Students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity in all academic work.

It is a student’s responsibility to know and follow the rules and expectations around academic integrity. To ensure that students understand their responsibilities, we recommend they review the Academic Integrity Policy (F1004) and contact Academic Integrity Resources if they have any questions.