We are pleased to launch Langara College’s first Accessibility Plan. The new plan, developed in consultation with stakeholders from across the College community, is the first step in the work to meet the expectations of our community and in compliance with the new Accessible British Columbia Act.
Langara College has established an Accessibility Committee. Over the coming years, we anticipate the development of several new standards to address the many barriers people living with disabilities encounter daily.

Our Accessibility Story
At Langara, our employees, faculty, and staff are at the heart of our organization. People and Culture is committed to providing an accessible environment for all members of the College community that is welcoming, respectful, and inclusive and one that enables our diverse employees to reach their full potential.
We strive to ensure all our practices, policies, and programs are accessible. Where a barrier exists, or a policy or practice has adverse consequences for an individual or a protected group, the College is committed to reasonably accommodate that individual’s difference, up to the point of undue hardship. Accommodations may entail modifying employment requirements, rules or policies, which could be considered discriminatory due to the negative effect on an individual or protected group and/or modifying barriers that restrict access or full participation across the employee lifecycle. Recently, for example, P&C has integrated language into all postings and event invitations to encourage applicants and attendees to identify their accommodation needs to ensure appropriate support is provided. In addition,P&C has adopted the practice of sharing interview questions in writing to candidates during virtual and in-person interviews. All processes with respect to recruitment and onboarding are being closely reviewed to further improve accessibility for all applicants.
People and Culture also frequently provides lunch and learn sessions on the Duty to Accommodate to help ensure leaders are informed and able to support employees who may request or require an accommodation, and appreciate the duty to inquire when they observe changes in behaviour and performance.
If you are a student registered with Accessibility Services, please email accessibilityservices@langara.ca for immediate assistance.
If you are a student with a disability and would like to access accommodations please contact Accessibility Services.
Read the Langara College Accessibility Plan as a PDF »
If you require the document in an alternative format, please email access.concerns@langara.ca.
Message from Leadership
We are pleased to provide executive sponsorship for the creation of Langara College’s first Accessibility Committee and the development of our Accessibility Plan. As described in Our Accessibility Story above, Langara has long committed to supporting accessibility for our students and employees and to provide services to ensure that barrier-free post-secondary education is possible for all members of our community. The work that is outlined in this evolving plan will permit Langara to address provincially mandated accessibility standards while sharing in the development of best practices with others in our sector. This plan serves to increase our focus on addressing and reducing barriers to students, employees, and community members. We want to acknowledge the contributions of the Accessibility Committee, representing members from across the College, in helping us to begin this important work. We recognize that we are only in the earliest phases of the implementation of the Accessible BC Act. We look forward to the ongoing development of this plan and the many actions that will result from this plan to reduce barriers for our community.
Langara College Executive Leadership Team