Featured Courses

LAMS 1102: Trouble in Paradise: Latin American Perspectives on the Environment
Travel to Costa Rica spring break 2025.
Take Latin American Studies (LAMS) 1102 in January 2025 to explore Latin American perspectives on global environmental issues with a fully or partially funded option to travel to Costa Rica during Spring Break, February 15–23.
Students registered in LAMS 1102 will have the option to apply to participate in the additional Costa Rica Field Studies. If you want to be part of this unique opportunity, be ready when registration opens and sign up for LAMS 1102 this fall!
Instructor Ginette Dubé brings decades of experience leading groups in the region. Experience first-hand tropical forest research and marine conservation and meet Indigenous people who are leading sustainable development initiatives in their communities.
Students will spend the first half of the semester learning about global environmental issues and how Latin Americans are addressing them. In the second half of the semester, Langara students will learn alongside Indigenous students studying sustainable development at the Technological University of Costa Rica (TEC,) via Zoom. Students will participate in a series of talks led by Indigenous Costa Ricans about the solutions they are pursuing to address environmental problems they are facing in their communities. Students will also work on projects in small teams made up of Langara and TEC students.
LAMS 1102 does not have any pre-requisites and will be especially of interest to students in Biology, Environmental Studies, Aboriginal Studies, Peace & Conflict Studies, Latin American Studies and any student curious about how a small country is finding solutions to global environmental problems.
Interested students must register for LAMS 1102 during the fall registration period. Every student registered in the course will be emailed a Costa Rica Field Studies application directly from the instructor.
There are no pre-requisites for the LAMS 1102 course although there is a maximum number of students able to participate in the field studies experience. If we have more students registered than spots for the field studies experience, we will draw names of eligible students. Students who do not elect to participate in the field studies or, who are unsuccessful in the draw, will not be at a disadvantage for completing the requirements of the LAMS 1102 course.
For information on registration and travel scholarships for this course contact Ginette Dubé: gdube@langara.ca
LAMS 1104: Roots and Rhythms: A Celebration of Arts and Culture
Along side university students in Latin America, learn about music, art, dance, film along with the many festivals that highlight how Latin Americans celebrate life. Get the kind of applied writing and cross cultural communications skills for today’s globalized labour force.
Contact Ginette Dubé gdube@langara.ca
Full course listing
There are no information sessions scheduled at this time.