Seminar Series
Environmental Studies Seminar 2022
Testimonio: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala.
Catherine Nolin, Professor of Geography, UNBC
This lecture was recorded Oct. 6th, 2022, as part of Katrina Erdo's Environmental Geography class.
Please note: this video is currently only available to students and has not been made public. If you're interested in viewing the recorded lecture, please contact: Mike Smith-Cairns: for details.
David Chaney, Planning Analyst, Sustainability, City of Vancouver

If you'd like to attend the talk live, please join:
Please note: David's talk will be recorded and uploaded to this page shortly afterwards.
SFU's President's Dream Colloquium: Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Perspectives on Sustainability and Resilience
In this colloquium, we will explore how some Indigenous peoples and local communities understand sustainability and resilience and how their traditional worldviews might provide models for more sustainable futures for their communities and others.
Please note: Students are not required to attend these lecture in-person, unless you want to. A recording of each lecture will be made available after the event (for two weeks only).
UofT's School of Cities: Knowledge Cafe
With the Knowledge Café, the School of Cities aims to bring the research led by a diverse group of urban-focused academics and researchers to a discursive platform to inspire multidisciplinary conversations around urban themes, paying special attention to the themes of climate, justice and belonging in cities.
Please note: talks have already been recorded and are ready for viewing.
About the Environmental Studies Seminar
ENVS 1105 is a non-credit, non-fee course. The course is intended to provide an introduction to environmental issues through a series of online talks. The course is required if you are working toward a Diploma in Arts and Science (Environmental Studies) or the Diploma in Arts and Science (Environmental Studies).
Learn more: Johanne Penafiel at