Celebrating Distinguished Service

Emeritus is Latin for "those having merited discharge by service". It is an honourary title conferred to retiring or retired faculty members and professional staff to recognize their distinguished service to an organization.

Langara College introduced the Emeritus/Emerita Designation Policy in 2013. 

2024 Emeritus Award recipient

We recognize our 2024 award recipient for his distinguished service and outstanding contribution.

The award was announced at the Convocation Ceremonies from June 18-20, 2024.

DarrellKean.pngDarrell Kean
Faculty Emeritus, Criminal Justice

Darrell Kean began his career as a police officer for the City of Vancouver. He joined Langara in 1991, as a Criminal Justice instructor. His combination of academic and real-world experiences provided his students with a unique view into the criminal justice system. Darrell's involvement at Langara spanned 33 years, where he honed his leadership skills in roles such as Department Chair, Division Chair, Langara Faculty Association Vice President, Chief Steward, and LFA Board Executive. As a consultant for Federal, Provincial, Municipal and First Nations governments, including the Oppal Commission of Inquiry into Policing in British Columbia, Darrell was instrumental in helping to bring wholesale change to police recruitment and training. 

View our past Emeritus award recipients here.