What is a Club?
A club is a student-led organization at Langara College with a minimum of 10 student members, united by a shared interest or activity. Clubs provide a platform for students to connect, collaborate, and pursue common goals.
Want to Start a New Club at Langara?
Langara College is home to a vibrant community of student clubs that enhance campus life. Can’t find a club that matches your interests? Why not create your own?
Student club recognition and approval are overseen by the Office for Student Engagement. Official recognition is required to access college facilities, resources, and support, as well as to gain official Langara student club status.
To start a recognized club, students must complete the application package and agree to all College expectations and policies. Applications are subject to approval by the Langara Club Review Committee.
Download the Club Application Package here.
Note: The application package provides additional details to supplement the online application form. Be sure to review the package before submitting your application, and then complete the online application form.